Valve Ball Kanggo Gas Line
  • Valve Ball Kanggo Gas Line Valve Ball Kanggo Gas Line
  • Valve Ball Kanggo Gas Line Valve Ball Kanggo Gas Line

Valve Ball Kanggo Gas Line

Katup bola kanggo garis gas nuduhake pipa jarak adoh sing cocog karo gas alam, gas batubara-to-gas buatan, lan gas cair, lan jaringan distribusi lan transmisi gas kutha. Diproduksi sesuai karo persyaratan GB / T12237-2007, GB / T12224-2005 lan standar katup sing gegandhengan. Katup bal kanthi performa anti-korosi, anti-statis, aman, andal lan dhuwur anti korosi. Iki bisa digunakake khusus kanggo gas alam, gas batubara, gas cair lan gas liyane lan kontrol pipa gas non-korosif lan kontrol aliran.

Kirim Pitakonan

Deskripsi Produk

1. Pambuka Valve Bal Kanggo Line Gas

Katup bola kanggo garis gas nuduhake pipa jarak adoh sing cocog karo gas alam, gas batubara-to-gas buatan, lan gas cair, lan jaringan distribusi lan transmisi gas kutha. Diproduksi sesuai karo persyaratan GB / T12237-2007, GB / T12224-2005 lan standar katup sing gegandhengan. Katup bal kanthi performa anti-korosi, anti-statis, aman, andal lan dhuwur anti korosi. Iki bisa digunakake khusus kanggo gas alam, gas batubara, gas cair lan gas liyane lan kontrol pipa gas non-korosif lan kontrol aliran.

2. Parameter khusus sakaValve Bal Kanggo Gas Line

Jinis Katup
Bal Valve kanggo garis gas
PN(MPaï¼ ‰
Rentang Suhu Desain
-15â „ƒï½ž425â„ ƒ
Jinis sambungan:
Flanged, Butt las
Jinis aktuator
Manual drive, Pneumatik, Hidrolik utawa Aktuator listrik
Segel Hard Metal
Sedheng ditrapake
minyak, gas, lan macem-macem medium korosi

Suku cadang
Baja palsu, Baja cor, Baja tahan karat,
Baja palsu, Baja cor, Baja tahan karat,
Baja palsu, Baja tahan karat,
Dering kursi
Baja palsu, Baja tahan karat,
Baja tahan karat, tatu spiral grafit fleksibel
PTFE, grafit fleksibel

3. Fitur Produk sakaValve Bal Kanggo Gas Line

1) Bal valve for gas line anti-static and fireproof device; Bal valve for gas line has a spring electrostatic discharge device to achieve the purpose of removing static electricity. Avoid static sparking and ignite flammable media to ensure system safety.
2) Bal valve for gas line uses PTFE as a seal, which has good lubricity and elasticity, small friction with the ball, and long service life;
3) Bal valve for gas line must ensure that there is no leakage; the leakage volume of natural gas valves is very strict. Generally, buried and more important valves are all welded with valve bodies. In order to ensure the sealing performance of pipeline valves, the sealing pair is required to have excellent corrosion resistance, wear resistance, self-lubricity and elasticity.
4) The selection of Bal valve for gas line materials should be corrosion-resistant and sulfur-resistant materials; because the natural gas transported by the pipeline contains a large amount of hydrogen sulfide before desulfurization (this is a toxic and highly corrosive gas, it reacts with iron to form sulfur Iron can flake off and corrode mechanical equipment). Even if the natural gas is processed by desulfurization and other processes, there is still residual hydrogen sulfide. Therefore, the selection of materials for pipeline valves should be corrosion-resistant and sulfur-resistant materials.
5) The main sealing and wearing parts of Bal valve for gas line pipeline valves such as valve seats and other parts require long life. Generally, the service life of main pipeline valves is more than 30 years.   

Bal valve for gas line produced by MST is suitable for long-distance pipelines of natural gas, artificial coal-to-gas, liquefied gas, and urban gas transmission and distribution network. It adopts a typical floating ball two-piece structure, full-diameter design, stainless steel sphere, and structure. Simple, convenient installation, labor-saving opening and closing operations, easy maintenance, safe, reliable, and high corrosion resistance. It has a wide range of applications and is well received by users.

4. Kemasan lan Pangiriman

5. FAQ

1. Apa aku bisa duwe conto order kanggo katup?
A: Ya, kita nampani supaya conto kanggo nyoba lan mriksa kualitase, Sampel campuran bisa ditampa.
2. Apa sampeyan duwe watesan MOQ kanggo supaya katup?
A: MOQ Kurang, 1 PC kanggo mriksa conto bisa ditindakake.
3. Apa sampeyan bisa nawakake layanan OEM?
A: Ya, OEM kasedhiya.
4. Kepiye carane mbayar?
A: Kita biasane nampa deposit 30%, lan saldo bakal dibayar sadurunge dikirim. L7C ora apa-apa
5. Kepiye wektu kiriman katup kupu-kupu sampeyan?
A: Kanggo umume ukuran, DN50-DN600, kita duwe stok bagean katup, bisa dikirim ing 1-3 minggu, menyang pelabuhan paling cedhak Tianjin.
6. Apa garansi produk sampeyan?
A: Biasane nawakake garansi sajrone 12 wulan kanggo layanan utawa 18 wulan wiwit tanggal pengiriman.
7. Apa standarisasi produk sampeyan?
A: GB / T12238-2008, JBfT 8527-1997, API 609, EN 593-1998, DIN 85003-3-1997

6. Informasi Kontak

Hot Tags: Valve Ball Kanggo Line Gas, Produsen, Suplier, Pabrik, Disesuaikan, Stok, Akeh, Sampel Gratis, China, Digawe ing China, Murah, Rega murah, Rega, Dhaptar Harga, Quotation, CE, Kualitas, Awet, Garansi Setahun
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